MarionKitchen: September 2011

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Different Types of Thai Recipes

The food which is served in Thailand is totally different from the food which is served in the restaurants in the world. We have to say that the thai recipes in Thailand is not only delicious but it is spicy and yummy too. For that reason,Thai food attracts us more rather than to visit other places. Food has always been the weakest point of every person who loves eating and when it comes to Thai recipes, it even becomes more complicated for them what to choose and what to leave because it has a lot of delicious dishes that you can never be satisfied with one or two. Thai food is known for its balance of the four fundamental taste senses in each dish or the overall meal: sour, sweet, salty, and (optional) bitter. and it also can be quite hot (spicy).

In Thailand, food forms is a central part of any social occasion. That is, food often becomes the social occasion in itself, or reason to celebrate. This is partly due to the friendly, social nature of Thai people, but also because of the way in which food is ordered and eaten in Thailand. Characteristics of Thai recipes depend on who cooks it, for whom it is cooked, for what occasion, and where it is cooked. Dishes can be refined and adjusted to suit all palates. Instead of serving dishes in courses, a Thai meal is served all at once, permitting diners to enjoy complementary combinations of different tasters. A proper Thai meal should consist of a soup, a curry dish with condiments, a dip with accompanying fish and vegetables. A spiced salad may replace the curry dish. The soup can also be spicy, but the curry should be replaced by a non-spiced item. There must be harmony of tastes and textures within individual dishes and the entire meal.

Originally, Thai cooking reflected the characteristics of a waterborne lifestyle. Aquatic animals, plant and herbs were major ingredients. First of all the question that comes in our mind before eating the food is that ”The Thai Food is beneficial for us or not..???” of course it is very much beneficial for our health because the Thai dishes such as Tom Yum Soup has incredible health benefits. As we all know that many of the fresh herbs and spices used in Thai cooking - such as turmeric, galangal, coriander, lemongrass, and fresh chillies - have immune-boosting and disease-fighting power. These herbs and spices helps you recover from headaches, body pains , bacterial and fungal infections, fights aging , flu and cold and many more diseases.

The secret behind the successful Thai cooking lies in the preparation of the ingredients as the actual cooking is done very fast and furious. Most Thai stir-fries including noodle dishes are cooked at high heats and for only a few minutes, which is what makes them particularly fresh and delicious. The Thai food taste at different places differ from that of Thailand because of unavailability of ingredients  used in Thai cooking or it may be due to Chef's as they are not be the Thai Chef's.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Stronger Flavor Of Thai Cooking

Influenced by Chinese stir fries and Indian curries, Thai cuisine is a hodgepodge style of cooking that encourages experimentation, which will come in handy if you have trouble finding some of its more obscure ingredients.

Look out for small class sizes and look at the menu of what you're going to cover on the Thai cooking class. Many Thai cooking classes can be more demo based, which you really want to avoid. Instead search out Thai cookery classes that are fully hands on and gets you to do the cooking which is the fun bit but also where you'll learn the most.

A pestle & mortar is another thing used regularly in a Thai kitchen area. These are usually made from stone or pottery. Some folks make use of a food processor instead of the pestle & mortar. But the majority of "old school" Thai cooks will confirm that using the old fashioned pestle & mortar gives a stronger flavor to the food you're cooking.

The items used in these meals are cut into bite-sized pieces prior to being cooked. Common ingredients include Galatians, curry paste, Thai sweet basil, coconut milk, fish sauce, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, and mango. Staples such as Thai rice noodles and sweet rice are included in many dishes. In addition to the wok, utensils such as a strainer, rice basket, mortar and pestle, skewer, curry pot, and steamer are frequently used to cook the food.

Thai recipes also call for a lot of herbs such as lemon grass, many types of basil, cilantro and coriander and of course Chili. Thai people eat more chili per person than any place else in the world. If you like your food hot add a little more of the Thai chili peppers. With all of the herbs that are in Thai food you will get a lot of flavor and not need to add so much salt and sugar and other flavorings that are bad for your diet. I think that this may be part of the reason that there is so few cases of things like diabetes and other diet related diseases in Thailand.

Thai cooking has drawn significant influence from Cambodia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Burma, Laos, and Malaysia. Some of the most fundamental essentials of authentic Thai cooking include both dried and fresh spices, lemon grass, coconut milk, chili, Kaffir lemon leaves, basil, garlic, and ginger.

the regular restaurant was filling up with the Bangkok Thai locals that eat here regularly, we were also given a doggie bag that I would dare the meanest dog to try to get away from me, and an equally treasured Thai cooking recipes book full of other delicious Thai dishes we are now trained to cook.

Monday, 5 September 2011

Delicious Thai Cuisines

Thai food is popular due to it’s tasty combination of sweet, salty , sour and chillies used in typical Thai dishes. In Thailand, sometimes Thai food itself becomes a reason to celebrate , from here one can easily guess how delicious and famous are Thai food is. Moreover, food has always been the weakest point of every person who loves eating and when it comes to Thai dishes, it even becomes more complicated for them what to choose and what to leave because it has a lot of delicious and dishes that you can never be satisfied with one or two dishes.

Thai food is international favorite and charm of Thai food depends on it’s flavor, decoration , ingredients , values and harmony. “Spicy Soup with Prawn and Lemon Grass”, ”Green Curry with Chicken”, “Stir Fried Rice Noodles with Shrimp” are the most popular and most selling dishes from Thai CookBook. It includes both vegetarian and non-vegetarian dishes.

Regional Thai Cuisine Thailand is divided into five main regions i.e North, South , North-East , Central Plains and Bangkok. Each region has it’s own cooking style according to the availability of ingredients and local tastes. In order to have greatest taste sensation you must know Thai Cooking Tips : To start with you must take care that ingredients should be fresh and must be in right equipment, than find a balance of salty ,sour ,spicy and sweet to find the appropriate taste because it varies from person to person. Stir frying of vegetables and rice must not be forgotten to achieve the restaurant quality and delicious of food.

Generally, people has a misunderstanding that Thai food is “Hot and Spicy” but when you will go through Thai CookBook you will come to know that more than 50% of Thai Recipes are not “ Hot and Spicy “. You must be having various questions like “Why Thai food taste at some another place differ from that of Thailand” or “Is Thai food healthy”. The food taste may differ because of the unavailability of the ingredients used in Thai Cooking at your place or may be because of the chef’s i.e. Chef’s may not be Thai Chef’s. 

These little things completely change the taste of the food. When it comes to health, Thai food is very healthy for you and it has health benefits too, you must be thinking health benefits !!! It helps in disease fighting and has immense boosting as because Thai Cooking includes fresh herbs and spices such as turmeric, galangal, coriander, lemon grass and fresh chillies. These herbs and spices helps you recover from headaches, body pains , bacterial and fungal infections, fights aging , flu and cold and many more diseases.

Read About Thai Cooking And Thai green curry .